Lol.. but she should know naaa, I think it`s easy to feel something is wrong in a case like this...maybe some extra breeze back there?
A beautiful smile is one of the things most men notice first in a
woman. A smiling woman is considered to be much more attractive and
approachable. She sends the signal of happiness and optimism. Thus, it's
much easier to start a conversation with a smiling woman. Moreover, a
smile is a very contagious thing: when you smile to someone it provokes
the smile in return.
Eyes: Another common thing men notice first about a woman is her
eyes. Ever wondered why it's said that the eyes are the windows to your
soul? They can tell a lot about a person. It can be easy to find out if
someone is lying to you or simply telling the truth. Eyes are real
magnets that can attract and interest a stranger. Surveys have shown
that nearly 70 % of men pay attention to woman's eyes first and only
then to everything else. There is also a popular stereotype that men
like women with large childish eyes. Well, if you don't have large eyes,
a well-applied makeup will do the trick. Maintaining eye contact for a
few seconds is enough to determine if there are any chances to continue
with your acquaintance or not.
Hair: Believe it or not, one of the first things men notice about
women is their hair. So ladies, all those hours spent in the
hairdresser's chair are not in vain. Most guys think that a stylish,
healthy, shiny and sleek hair is a sign of health and youth. Also, most
men like to be with a woman with a well-maintained hair that smells good
too. So keep your hair neat and well cared for, no matter the length.
Weight: Weight is one of those things most men notice about
women. It may sound shallow, but it actually makes sense. You've
probably heard that most men prefer women with curves, but some also
like their women slim. Definitely, besides the smile, eyes and hair, men
are also drawn by a woman's body size. So if you're big or small, have
no fear. There's a man out there who likes you either way.
Chest: Perhaps you think the first thing guys notice when they
meet a woman is her bosom, but that is not entirely true. Certain polls
and surveys have shown that men notice a woman's chest/bosom only after
her smile and her eyes. However, breasts are usually considered to be a
sign of youth and fertility, and it is one of the reasons why most men
would pay attention to a woman's chest. Then again, tastes differ. What
is beautiful for one man may be uninviting for another. Thus, some men
actually like women with moderate or small boobs. It's all a matter of
Originality: Men also take note of false body enhancements women
tend to use sometimes. If you have hair extensions, artificial eyelashes
and nails, he will definitely notice it. For most men, fake means high
maintenance and large expense. While fake eyelashes might draw his eye,
he may not be entirely taken by them. However, some men don't mind. But
it wouldn't do to turn yourself into a human doll, because a man would
always wonder what you look like without all the layers of makeup, and
whether you're worth sticking around with or not.
Legs: A lot of men love slim legs and this is another thing they
notice about women. During the warm seasons, legs are one of the
greatest attractions that a woman possesses. Calves are another thing
men love about a woman's legs. They love the way their legs look in
skirt and shorts. They also love the way women cross their legs.
Skin: Most men also pay attention to the way a woman's skin
looks. Men see a good complexion as a sure sign of health. Most men
think that a woman with a clear skin tone is healthy. While some men go
for light-skinned ladies, others prefer glowing dark skin. Once again,
it boils down to choice.
Dress sense: Probably, it's a surprising thing but most men do
notice a woman's style of dressing. A recent study has found that most
men prefer a classy dresser to a woman who shows too much skin. Men love
some mystery about women, but half-naked body reveals all the secrets. A
great sense of style can tell a lot about a lady. Men are also aware of
fashion and trends, and can form an opinion about a woman based on her
fashion choices. - See more at:
A beautiful smile is one of the things most men notice first in a
woman. A smiling woman is considered to be much more attractive and
approachable. She sends the signal of happiness and optimism. Thus, it's
much easier to start a conversation with a smiling woman. Moreover, a
smile is a very contagious thing: when you smile to someone it provokes
the smile in return.
Eyes: Another common thing men notice first about a woman is her
eyes. Ever wondered why it's said that the eyes are the windows to your
soul? They can tell a lot about a person. It can be easy to find out if
someone is lying to you or simply telling the truth. Eyes are real
magnets that can attract and interest a stranger. Surveys have shown
that nearly 70 % of men pay attention to woman's eyes first and only
then to everything else. There is also a popular stereotype that men
like women with large childish eyes. Well, if you don't have large eyes,
a well-applied makeup will do the trick. Maintaining eye contact for a
few seconds is enough to determine if there are any chances to continue
with your acquaintance or not.
Hair: Believe it or not, one of the first things men notice about
women is their hair. So ladies, all those hours spent in the
hairdresser's chair are not in vain. Most guys think that a stylish,
healthy, shiny and sleek hair is a sign of health and youth. Also, most
men like to be with a woman with a well-maintained hair that smells good
too. So keep your hair neat and well cared for, no matter the length.
Weight: Weight is one of those things most men notice about
women. It may sound shallow, but it actually makes sense. You've
probably heard that most men prefer women with curves, but some also
like their women slim. Definitely, besides the smile, eyes and hair, men
are also drawn by a woman's body size. So if you're big or small, have
no fear. There's a man out there who likes you either way.
Chest: Perhaps you think the first thing guys notice when they
meet a woman is her bosom, but that is not entirely true. Certain polls
and surveys have shown that men notice a woman's chest/bosom only after
her smile and her eyes. However, breasts are usually considered to be a
sign of youth and fertility, and it is one of the reasons why most men
would pay attention to a woman's chest. Then again, tastes differ. What
is beautiful for one man may be uninviting for another. Thus, some men
actually like women with moderate or small boobs. It's all a matter of
Originality: Men also take note of false body enhancements women
tend to use sometimes. If you have hair extensions, artificial eyelashes
and nails, he will definitely notice it. For most men, fake means high
maintenance and large expense. While fake eyelashes might draw his eye,
he may not be entirely taken by them. However, some men don't mind. But
it wouldn't do to turn yourself into a human doll, because a man would
always wonder what you look like without all the layers of makeup, and
whether you're worth sticking around with or not.
Legs: A lot of men love slim legs and this is another thing they
notice about women. During the warm seasons, legs are one of the
greatest attractions that a woman possesses. Calves are another thing
men love about a woman's legs. They love the way their legs look in
skirt and shorts. They also love the way women cross their legs.
Skin: Most men also pay attention to the way a woman's skin
looks. Men see a good complexion as a sure sign of health. Most men
think that a woman with a clear skin tone is healthy. While some men go
for light-skinned ladies, others prefer glowing dark skin. Once again,
it boils down to choice.
Dress sense: Probably, it's a surprising thing but most men do
notice a woman's style of dressing. A recent study has found that most
men prefer a classy dresser to a woman who shows too much skin. Men love
some mystery about women, but half-naked body reveals all the secrets. A
great sense of style can tell a lot about a lady. Men are also aware of
fashion and trends, and can form an opinion about a woman based on her
fashion choices. - See more at:
A beautiful smile is one of the things most men notice first in a
woman. A smiling woman is considered to be much more attractive and
approachable. She sends the signal of happiness and optimism. Thus, it's
much easier to start a conversation with a smiling woman. Moreover, a
smile is a very contagious thing: when you smile to someone it provokes
the smile in return.
Eyes: Another common thing men notice first about a woman is her
eyes. Ever wondered why it's said that the eyes are the windows to your
soul? They can tell a lot about a person. It can be easy to find out if
someone is lying to you or simply telling the truth. Eyes are real
magnets that can attract and interest a stranger. Surveys have shown
that nearly 70 % of men pay attention to woman's eyes first and only
then to everything else. There is also a popular stereotype that men
like women with large childish eyes. Well, if you don't have large eyes,
a well-applied makeup will do the trick. Maintaining eye contact for a
few seconds is enough to determine if there are any chances to continue
with your acquaintance or not.
Hair: Believe it or not, one of the first things men notice about
women is their hair. So ladies, all those hours spent in the
hairdresser's chair are not in vain. Most guys think that a stylish,
healthy, shiny and sleek hair is a sign of health and youth. Also, most
men like to be with a woman with a well-maintained hair that smells good
too. So keep your hair neat and well cared for, no matter the length.
Weight: Weight is one of those things most men notice about
women. It may sound shallow, but it actually makes sense. You've
probably heard that most men prefer women with curves, but some also
like their women slim. Definitely, besides the smile, eyes and hair, men
are also drawn by a woman's body size. So if you're big or small, have
no fear. There's a man out there who likes you either way.
Chest: Perhaps you think the first thing guys notice when they
meet a woman is her bosom, but that is not entirely true. Certain polls
and surveys have shown that men notice a woman's chest/bosom only after
her smile and her eyes. However, breasts are usually considered to be a
sign of youth and fertility, and it is one of the reasons why most men
would pay attention to a woman's chest. Then again, tastes differ. What
is beautiful for one man may be uninviting for another. Thus, some men
actually like women with moderate or small boobs. It's all a matter of
Originality: Men also take note of false body enhancements women
tend to use sometimes. If you have hair extensions, artificial eyelashes
and nails, he will definitely notice it. For most men, fake means high
maintenance and large expense. While fake eyelashes might draw his eye,
he may not be entirely taken by them. However, some men don't mind. But
it wouldn't do to turn yourself into a human doll, because a man would
always wonder what you look like without all the layers of makeup, and
whether you're worth sticking around with or not.
Legs: A lot of men love slim legs and this is another thing they
notice about women. During the warm seasons, legs are one of the
greatest attractions that a woman possesses. Calves are another thing
men love about a woman's legs. They love the way their legs look in
skirt and shorts. They also love the way women cross their legs.
Skin: Most men also pay attention to the way a woman's skin
looks. Men see a good complexion as a sure sign of health. Most men
think that a woman with a clear skin tone is healthy. While some men go
for light-skinned ladies, others prefer glowing dark skin. Once again,
it boils down to choice.
Dress sense: Probably, it's a surprising thing but most men do
notice a woman's style of dressing. A recent study has found that most
men prefer a classy dresser to a woman who shows too much skin. Men love
some mystery about women, but half-naked body reveals all the secrets. A
great sense of style can tell a lot about a lady. Men are also aware of
fashion and trends, and can form an opinion about a woman based on her
fashion choices. - See more at: